Monday, May 26, 2014

How to Take Care of Leather Thigh and Buttocks Shown Perfect

Cellulite that accumulate in the thighs and buttocks is one issue that often came among women and difficult to overcome.

Therefore, thighs and buttocks skin care is no less important than other body parts.

As reported BodyandSoul page, here is some steps that can be done to treat skin conditions thighs and buttocks remain supple and adorable.
  1. As a first step, make it a habit to always apply body lotion after bathing to prevent skin in the second part becomes dry.
  2. Method of using a cream massage bath containing coffee can help to reduce fat deposits and maintain the level of skin elasticity of the thigh and buttocks.
  3. It is advisable also to select beauty products with vitamin E, because it can make the skin more supple two sections.
  4. As an alternative, could also apply olive oil is rich in nutrient content so much smoother and healthier skin.
  5. Set a healthy diet could also be the key to avoiding fat that accumulate in the thighs and buttocks.
  6. Avoid foods that contain high levels of salt, drink water and eat fruit and vegetables diligent.
  7. Finally, do regular sports activities such as going up and down stairs, brisk walking or other activities that could reduce the levels of fat thighs and buttocks section.

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