• Tips To Stay Beautiful and Treating Breast Toned

    Breast is one of the members of the girl's body that should receive special attention in order to function optimally, both biologically (nursing) and aesthetic (still beautiful and toned)...

  • How to Take Care of Leather Thigh and Buttocks Shown Perfect

    Cellulite that accumulate in the thighs and buttocks is one issue that often came among women and difficult to overcome....

  • 15 Body Parts Men Love the Women Complained

    Whatever the size of your body parts, no need to worry. Most women are not satisfied with his body, a great butt complain or feel beautiful without make-up....

Friday, May 30, 2014

The Intimate Beauty Care Tips Women

Intimate part of women is part of the body that must be maintained with strict protection. This is due to the location is very hidden, so it requires extra care. What often happens is the opposite.

Beauty sex organs into a thing to be taken care of by a woman. Beauty in halini also includes health. To be part of an intimate beauty of women is maintained, there are tips that can be done.

Keeping the sex organs always clean and dry
The state of the female sex organs are best when clean and dry condition. Clean means free of impurities such as dust, liquid coming out of the hole intimate (eg, vaginal discharge), and other substances. Try to always keep the sex organs so that no disease or bacteria come.

In addition to clean, it is also important to keep it dry.
Dry conditions will prevent the fungus that often threaten many women who do not have a high level of cleanliness.

Shaving pubic hair on a regular basis
Pubic hair generally grows in relatively quick time, whereas the feminine area covered with hair are more prone to dirt retention and high humidity. Therefore, cukurlah pubic hair on a regular basis, a maximum of once a month.

Be sure to wear a clean and relatively sharp ; and do the shaving properly and carefully in order to prevent the occurrence of infections and sores on the skin. Remember that the skin on the female sex is more sensitive than the skin on other parts of the body.

Avoiding the use of tights
Tights, both inside and outside the pants, not only making conditions uncomfortable, but also not good for the health of the female sex organs.

This is related to the pressure of the pants to the intimate area. This pressure can lead to moisture and disrupt blood flow.

In addition to avoiding tight pants, panties also use a clean and dry. If the panties were wet, immediately switch to avoid high humidity.

Stress and drug consumption
Distress or stress is not good for mental health, as well as for physical health, including on the part of the female sex.

Continuous stress will cause vaginal discharge, which could damage the health and beauty of the intimate parts.

This is caused by hormones that work harder. In addition to stress, the consumption of any chemical drugs also affect the health of sex organs. So, minimize the consumption of chemical drugs.

When Menstruation
Menstruation is a condition in which women have to give extra attention to the intimate organ. Try to change your pad every 4-5 hours or when it is felt pads become wet or damp. In addition, keep cleanliness and dryness is more intense intimate areas. This will prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Beautifying How To Look More Sexy Buttocks

Buttocks is a women-owned pride besides breast, where they were having a beautiful and sexy buttocks will be more confident and certainly be an attraction for men. So in this article will explain how to How to Beautify Form Rump To Look More Sexy buttocks naturally by gently massaging and exercise routine. The simplest way we can do every day and every moment is by massaging.

This method is believed to stimulate the growth of the buttocks to be more toned and beautiful. To obtain maximum results, then try gently massage your buttocks approximately 10-15 minutes each day, use a lubricant such as olive oil or baby oil to massage your create slippery movement, squeeze and lift slowly and hold it for 10 seconds, repeat up to 10 times with resting intervals of 5 seconds. In addition to massage, you are also required to perform gymnastic movements buttocks useful for you tighten the buttocks. The following exercises that you must do to beautify your butt:

1. In a push-up position, arms straight holding dumbbells weight of 2.5-3 kg. Fused legs and body position parallel to the ground. Then swing your right leg forward so that your knees form a 90 degree angle on the bottom right hand shoulder.

2. Take a position that is similar to the current sprint. Back straight and your left leg stretched far back. Then pull the buttocks and stomach muscles tightened up noticeably strong. Repeat by changing the position of the foot. Exercises done as much as 5-6 times.

3. Standing by simply resting on the left leg, the body relaxes. Push the right leg forward and shoulders back while keeping your back straight. Thigh will support the weight of your body, gently swing your body. Then lower your right leg and return to its original position. Change legs. Repeat this exercise 5-6 times.

A healthy and beautiful buttocks resulting from regular exercise. Do the above exercise as much as 30-45 minutes every day. Another tip is to use your butt muscles tighten rung every day or sport bike. With regular exercise every day, you will have a toned butt at least one month in training.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Let's Face Gymnastic Movement Remain Younger

Exercise Movement Faces
Not just massage on the face, a face mask can also be used for restoring facial beauty and skin firmness in the face, to look more healthy and also to avoid the arrival of wrinkles. Do not forget to always use a cream facial mask/face shield that can make the skin healthy and refreshed continuously.

Massage of the face can be carried out using hand. Facial treatments can be done by massaging all face using both your hands starting from the forehead to the cheek.

Benefits of Doing Gymnastics Faces:
  1. Facial exercises are used to provide stimulation to the blood flow and blood circulation, Reduce strain, and add to the overall appearance of the face.
  2. Resultant facial expressions when doing gymnastics will soften the skin and give freshness until the face looks more radiant because of oxygenation to the muscles sag initially be increased.
  3. The movement has a purpose for facial gymnastics smooth the skin and get rid of wrinkles on the facial skin. This facial exercises for toning and help restore elasticity of facial muscles began to decline/disappear. These facial exercises can be used anti-aging, in other words a natural youthful drug.

Step Facial Gymnastics Training Method

The below are some exercises that you can do yourself at home, which is focused on one area at a time in the face, gymnastic movements following details:

Movement on the Forehead:
Put your index finger just above the eyes, and pull down the eye as he raised an eyebrow. This movement tightens the skin of the forehead. Repeat this movement 10 times throughout.

  • Insert your index finger into your mouth and suck a finger as hard as possible, then slowly release your suction and remove your finger.
  • Repeat this movement along the 10 times.
  • The benefits of this facial movements will tighten your lips.
Eye Movement:
  • Sit down with your eyes closed, and be relaxed.
  • As he closed his eyes, move your eyeballs by way of glancing/looking up and down as far as possible.
  • Repeat this movement eye exercises along 10-15 times
  • Furthermore, still with eyes still closed/closed and relaxed. brow lift and eyelid as far as possible (eyes still closed/closed), until the count of 10, relax. Repeat this movement for 10 times.
Cheek Movement:
Place the middle finger, index finger and ring finger on the cheek, and then do the movement and lift your cheeks while simultaneously it also with a smile as wide as possible.

  • Sit straight and tengadahkan head backward while staring at the ceiling roofs.
  • Then widen/open your mouth as wide as possible, and hold for a count of ten
  • Then on the count of 10, close the/close the mouth that will open earlier
  • Take a breath and relax.
  • Repeat the above for 10 times.
  • Sit upright in a chair and tengadahkan head backward while staring at the ceiling roofs.
  • Be relaxed, then open your mouth until your lips form a circle (as if to kiss), count up to 20 times
  • On the count of 20, Shut your mouth and your head back to normal position
Closing Movement:
After doing some gymnastic movements over the face, tense the muscles of the face, then do the relaxation as cover as follows:
  • Open your mouth wide open, feel the chin, cheeks, and lips stretch up strong. Hold in this position a few seconds, then release and relax your back...
  • Repeat the above exercises several times (these exercises relax the facial muscles, and increase blood circulation, and reduce tension and stress.)
Then end the training session as below:
  • Take a deep breath and exhale through the mouth with mouth wide open as he stick out your tongue as far as possible.
  • Open your eyes and look up. This can reduce muscle tension in the face and neck, adding to the blood circulation and stimulate the eye.
  • Pinch your cheek and squeeze/pinch your cheeks turn earlier (But do not be too hard). These exercises increase the blood circulation to the face.
How facial gymnastics above is not require much time for doing it, not because of economic need specific tools. Perform facial exercises on a consistent basis and see the difference after you do it in a few weeks.

How to Take Care of Natural Lashes Flicks

Got a tapering eyelashes certainly become every woman's dream. Therefor, many ways that you can try. But forget the instant way to curl eyelashes or eyelash growing, because of the chemicals can actually damage and make the lashes become more fragile. Instead, try the natural way first. Easy, inexpensive, and safe! Let 's find out how...

Betel and Aloe Vera
Way, take the betel leaves are still young. Squeeze (don't destroyed), then break aloe vera gel and apply it on a betel leaf. Allow five minutes, then apply a gel that has been mixed with betel sap was on the lashes.
Let stand for about two hours. Wash your lashes with new betel leaf that has been dipped in warm water. Betel leaf wet brush was like wearing mascara.

Olive Oil
Olive oil is known to have many benefits. One of them, to curl lashes. It's easy, drops of olive oil on the tip of the index finger, and blend using only the index finger. Then dab on the tip and base of the eyelashes before bedtime. Rinse with fresh water immediately after waking up. Perform routine to get maximum results.

Use Tool Maker In Slowly Tapering
Do it slowly, so that eyelashes do not easily fall out and brittle. Let more flicks, before clamping eyelash, eyelash making flicks preheat using the hairdryer. In this way, can instantly melentikkannya. But remember, must remain slowly, yes, use it!

Monday, May 26, 2014

How to Make Up Face and Eyes Like Korean Artists

In fact to get the appropriate results very difficult because the Korean hair character different from us even though at first glance looks the same because both have black color.
In addition, the flare also boutiques both online and offline that specialized in selling various products of imports from Korea.

Actually, in the style of artists and actors such as Korean is not that difficult. Not really cost too much if we know how to apply makeup and eyes like a Korean artist.
One way is to use the appropriate makeup. This makeup style is not difficult and you do not have to go to the salon every time wanted this look. Learn various tips and how to find information about it on various websites.

Indeed, the development of the Internet should we use as much as possible by not only used for merely socialize, but also to learn, not least learn to apply their own makeup to get a gorgeous look like a Korean artist.

Maybe if you pursue this skill, you will actually get a chance to make money from your skills on this one.

How to Make Up Face and Eyes Like Korean Artists

Starting from the film's success and the band, a new style of Korean culture fashion eventually became a role model in many countries in Asia, including in Indonesia.

Surely this fever is not passed by the employers. Many entrepreneurs who later opened a business haircut like Korean artists.
One of the typical Korean makeup can be seen from her eyes. Well, here is how to apply makeup and eyes like a Korean artist that you can try to follow:
  • Remember that make up this Korean style has a characteristic natural makeup. So you do not need to prepare too much make up or apply too much make up to your face, including eyeshadow. Character makeup as Korea is white, soft and natural.
  • First, you have to disguise skin making it look smooth white porcelain tub. The trick is to use a suitable foundation and powder. If you wished for a sparkling look, then you can add glitter to your face. Colored metallic glitter will surely make you look glittery. Use a brush to apply the glitter and brush to the outside for maximum results.
  • Shape your brows into triangles or leave in a state of thick eyeshadow and straight. Length here does not mean you do not need to tidy it up. If eyeshadow do not look presentable, then you will not get the results you want. If you do not have thick eyebrows, then you can get help from natural colored eyebrow pencil. Apply repeatedly to get the same thickness in both of your eyes.
  • To maximize the natural appearance of the eyes, use a white eyeshadow. In addition, white eyeshadow will make your eyes look brighter. You do not need to apply all over the eyelid with eye shadow, but use only half the heading outwards.
  • Secret beauty lies in the eyes like Korean eyeliner. Use eyeliner on the inside with a thin, but wide on the outside of the eye. Make sure your eyeliner perfect and neat. If there is not a neat, brush cotton buds to refine.
  • The final step is to make the eye lashes tapering part. Don't forget to use the color pink blush to the cheek gently.
  • As a final polish, use a natural colored lipstick and glossy lips look so soft and fresh.

Breast Beautiful Woman Every Craving

The obsession to get bigger breasts is not new. Virtually almost all women to be breast as a source of confidence for her beauty. Even in Asia, the demand for larger bra size has increased compared to a few years ago.
Therefore, the opinion that most Asian women have small breasts, no longer applies. However, what causes these changes?
While women often blame men hailing breast ala Pamela Anderson (although this does not apply to all men) - the women were willing to pay millions to beautify their cleavage through surgery.
Most women consider sexy and voluptuous breasts are a sign of the maturity of a woman because it is considered as an object of natural beauty and sexual desire that will diirihatikan once respected.
That's the reason why in this modern age, breast enlargement surgery is similar to buying a luxury handbag. And when prices go down as well as techniques become more practical operation, the number of women who perform breast augmentation surgery is expected to increase.
Dr Marco Faria-Correa, one of the renowned plastic surgeon from Brazil who practice at Gleneagles Hospital, Camden Medical Centre and East Shore Hospital in Singapore said the number of breast augmentation patients are increasing with more affordable price and process operations are now more practical.
Careful thought obligatory. "This is a personal decision each patient, therefore they should understand all the procedures and possible risks approve. However, most women who have this surgery are well reported experiencing changes in their lives."
The main purpose of the great look is to feel great! Whatever your reason, cosmetic surgery procedures are just a means to create a better self-image. For some patients, the slightest change can cause tremendous psychological effect.
Patients who are considering cosmetic surgery should be honest with their own goals. Due to the changes caused by plastic surgery will be permanent and often dramatic.
Because that's important for every woman to consider and think more carefully before deciding to breast surgery. Unlike handbags, one model and size, not necessarily suitable for all.

15 Body Parts Men Love the Women Complained

Whatever the size of your body parts, no need to worry.
Most women are not satisfied with his body, a great butt complain or feel beautiful without make-up. Women also feel unattractive because the body part that he did not like it. If the destination has an interesting ideal body is to get the attention of men, then the women who complained about her making a big mistake. Because men, in fact, considered attractive part of the female body complained.

Relationship expert, therapist, and dating coach Dr. Erica Goodstone, Larissa Rzemienski, Julie Spira, Katherine Forsythe concluded there are 15 parts of the body is often complained of women, but men find him attractive.

1. Legs.
Men, secretly watching women's feet. Try it you care for your toenails, wear anklets, or do something that draws attention to your feet, and see how your partner's reaction.

2. Hands.
Hand show who you are. If you are too often hide behind a shirt or pants pocket because they feel does not have beautiful hands, this shows your discomfort. Show me your hands, make it a symbol of acceptance, awareness and readiness to engage.

3. Finger.
Your fingers gently massaging shoulders the him, or touching his arm into a sensation for men. That is why men like women finger. You can pay attention to your fingers, take care of him or even decorate the nails.

4. Backs.
Pay attention to your back. Some men may notice the feet or buttocks of women, but it could be the he is more interested in your back smooth and imagine giving a massage for you.

5. Buttocks.
Get rid of your worries on the butt that you think is too big or contains. Many men like it, you do not need to complain about it. Man's body was curvy like women, that's why they like the female body is unique. They were easily aroused by it. Attractive body does not have to always be thin or small.

6. Lips.
Do not let the assumption that large lips sexy intimidate you who have a small lip. You do not need to worry. You are still able to provide a warm kiss to a spouse, or intimate whisper words that make it tempting. Men also love it, not because of the size of your lips.

7. Face without make-up.
Women often do not feel confident when out of the house without make - up. In fact, most men like natural face women without or minimal make-up.

8. Facial lines.
Facial lines and wrinkles become frightening for some women, and they were trying in various ways to solve it, making the skin look more toned. You do not have to worry with this problem, because he was not too happy with the face taut unnatural.

9. Waist or hips contains.
Many women do not like the size of a large waist or hips. In fact, men also like to hug their partner's body which contains.

10. The ear lobe.
Do not be too often cover ear lobes with earrings to get around the shape that you think is not ideal. Remove the large earrings you, let him gently stroking the ear lobe, custom made ​​men love to his partner.

11. Breasts.
Whatever the size of your breasts, appear confidence. You do not have to do a breast implant, or perform surgery to reduce the size of large breasts tend to appear more attractive. Many ways you can do to anticipate the shape of your breasts. Use the push- up bra for small breasts, wear sexy lingerie before bedtime, make yourself as comfortable as possible with whatever the size of your breasts and your partner will feel comfortable with you.

12. Vulva.
Some women do surgery to make the vaginal area more symmetrical lips. You do not need to do it just to feel look good because no one notice in detail. Health vaginal area as a whole is more important and needs to get your attention.

13. Cellulite.
Men may not like cellulite, but they do not hate him like women. So, do not let cellulite undermine your confidence. Men like stimulated and interested even with the entire female body, not certain parts of women complained that too. Even some men do not understand what cellulite, so why you worry about it?

14. Thigh great.
In the past, big thighs show strength, stamina and the ability of women to protect their children. This view of body shape shifted over time. Now, lean body shape, skinny, be ideals of the female body. But not all women have a body shape "ideal" is. Not all men are like skinny women. All the way back to your point of view.

15. Belly fat.
Belly fat becomes a problem most of the women. Many methods are used to remove fat in the stomach and make it flat. Some men say rested her head on his stomach like a soft pillow partner, it becomes a sexy thing. If you feel the need to flatten the stomach for health reasons, focus on your stomach instead of downsizing programs with mebiarkan negative thoughts you possess, such as complaining, hating myself for having belly fat.

How to Take Care of Leather Thigh and Buttocks Shown Perfect

Cellulite that accumulate in the thighs and buttocks is one issue that often came among women and difficult to overcome.

Therefore, thighs and buttocks skin care is no less important than other body parts.

As reported BodyandSoul page, here is some steps that can be done to treat skin conditions thighs and buttocks remain supple and adorable.
  1. As a first step, make it a habit to always apply body lotion after bathing to prevent skin in the second part becomes dry.
  2. Method of using a cream massage bath containing coffee can help to reduce fat deposits and maintain the level of skin elasticity of the thigh and buttocks.
  3. It is advisable also to select beauty products with vitamin E, because it can make the skin more supple two sections.
  4. As an alternative, could also apply olive oil is rich in nutrient content so much smoother and healthier skin.
  5. Set a healthy diet could also be the key to avoiding fat that accumulate in the thighs and buttocks.
  6. Avoid foods that contain high levels of salt, drink water and eat fruit and vegetables diligent.
  7. Finally, do regular sports activities such as going up and down stairs, brisk walking or other activities that could reduce the levels of fat thighs and buttocks section.

Taylor Swift's Beauty Secrets

With curly hair and red lips, Taylor always looks fresh. We can really look fresh style of Taylor with a peek at some of her beauty secrets.

Curling Iron
Because have naturally curly hair, Taylor always use a curling iron to straighten hair. And so baseball messy curls. Tay said she was wearing a baseball styling products such as mousse. Because she was afraid her hair look stiff and natural baseball.

Red Lipstick
Tay always carry red lipstick wherever she goes. If she is lazy to wear make-up, at least she would wear red lipstick to make it look fresh.

Tay always wear make-up itself, but if you want to attend the red carpet. So she likes to try different types of mascara. Eventually she fell in love with mousse Markara because it gives the right volume and weight when worn baseball.

White Water
This one is a beauty secret nearly all of Hollywood celebrities. Drink plenty of water to make Tay feel more powerful. She always carries a water bottle wherever she goes.

Love Herself
While many celebrities are tanning or darken the color of her skin, Tay baseball bandwagon. She said she had objected baseball and baseball pale skin too concerned about the tanning trend that hit Hollywood.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Tips To Stay Beautiful and Treating Breast Toned

Breast is one of the members of the girl's body that should receive special attention in order to function optimally, both biologically (nursing) and aesthetic (still beautiful and toned). Breasts are beautiful and healthy looks solid and plump contains course. Breast growth is strongly influenced by hormonal factors, nutrition, weight loss, sports or activities, as well as genetic. Usually breasts will begin to show the current infancy girl has entered puberty before puberty although normal breast growth if it is found. This growth will show the shape and size and firmness. At the beginning of this kind of breast care should have been realized and performed.

1. Perform Hydro Massage
Mechanical means of hydro massage is one very effective way at all to avoid wrinkles that occur in the breast area. The hydro massage you can do yourself. How hydro massage is to massage the breast that had previously been washed first with cold water, then massage in a clockwise direction for approximately 10 minutes. You can give special attention to the area and the armpit crease under the breast area. The hydro massage function for the flow of blood circulation and can tighten the breast.

2. Perform Massage With Milk Ice Cubes
In addition to the above hydro massage, you can do massage using milk that has been frozen first. The trick, massage the breast with the use of ice cubes milk, but that should be remembered is that you have to do it slowly, because the breast skin is very sensitive at all. This method is very useful to soften, to enlighten and to tighten the breast.

3. Perform Sports
People who are healthy and have the body shape is usually a routine exercise. Similarly, in order to treat breast remains taut. Be diligent to do push- ups because it is very useful to tightness in the muscles in the breast. Another sport that is firmer breasts using a barbell. Lie down, then bend your knees and begin to lift weights that have been adapted to the severity of your ability to lift it using both hands simultaneously. then pull down the hand slowly. This movement should be repeated up to 10 times.
4. Cream Bust
How to treat breast using breast creams are often done by girls who want to be toned and beautiful breasts. But do not pick the cream prior consultation with a doctor.

5. Adequate rest and balanced nutrition
It can not be underestimated because after these two things will help you in order to balance hormonal function in keeping the breast growth hormone can be optimized.

Good luck and if you are still in doubt, it may be consulted with a doctor or an expert.

How to Take Care Natural Nails to Look Beautiful

Nails are part of the animal 's body found or grown in the fingertips. Nails grow from the soft gel -like cells die, harden, and then formed when it begins to grow from the tip of the finger. At the base of the nail cuticle serves to protect from dirt. The main function is to protect fingertips nails are soft and full of nerves, as well as heighten the power tap. Nails are part of the bone is not a protein.

In the skin under the nail there are many capillaries that have strong blood supply, causing a reddish color. Such as bones and teeth, nails are the hardest part of the body because very little water content.

The growth of fingernails in a week on average from 0.5 to 1.5 mm, four times faster than toenails growth. Nail growth is also affected by body heat.

This nail care can also be done in a natural way without the need to spend a lot of money. Because the required materials are also widely available around you.

Healthy nails are usually more powerful and certainly not easy to peel, use natural materials that are available around us. Among them :
  1. Starfruit. Useful to clean the dirt in between the nails and outer skin as well as strengthen nails. You do this by rubbing pieces sukup Blimbing wuluh on nails will be cleaned, after a rinse with clean water.
  2. Drink plenty of water. One easy way to beautify and strengthen nails from the inside is to increase drinking water. Consumption of water helps to keep nails are not dry.
  3. Drinking milk and consumption of foods containing calcium. benefits for strengthening nails. Like food made ​​from milk and cheese, stingray and sardines, nuts and seeds, vegetables like broccoli, kale, spinach, etc., fruit such as red apples, strawberries, papaya, pineapple, mango, avocado, grape, mangosteen etc..
  4. Aloe vera. Aloe vera has many benefits. In addition to hair care, was also able to take care of nails. The trick, clean the aloe vera and apply evenly on the hoof. Do this treatment on a regular basis, then the nails will look more beautiful and clear.
  5. Papaya sap. Nice to clean the outside of the skin that are not easily broken nails and peeling.
  6. Lemon (lime). To restore the yellow nails. How, to prepare lemon juice, and mix one tablespoon of lemon juice with toothpaste (toothpaste recommended for whitening teeth). Stir well, then apply to the nail. Wait for it to dry. After the nails flush with warm water. Do it at least once a week on a regular basis, then we will get a normal nail color.
  7. Garlic. Contain substances that are very useful to strengthen nails. The trick, grated garlic until smooth, then apply to the nail. Wait a few minutes, then wipe nails. It could also directly rubbing garlic on your nails. Do it regularly, then your nails will be stronger and not brittle.
  8. A mixture of honey, egg, and olive oil. The benefit is to moisturize and soften the nail. We who have the nails dry and lacking nutrients, use this tip. The trick, mix two tablespoons of honey and olive oil in a pan. Heat and stir until well blended, then whisk eggs prepared. Combine honey and olive oil dough with beaten egg, apply it evenly on the nail and wait for 10-15 minutes, then wipe your nails.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

6 Celebrities The World Who Care For The Body By Way of a Controversial

Celebrity is required to always look beautiful in any occasion. No wonder if they dare to do a variety of ways to take care of his body, including the hair and skin. Even the body by way of a controversial treatment did not hesitate dilakoninya. Here are six celebrities who did odd treatments, ranging from hair care to use sauce, to remove eye make-up with masking tape. Anyone? Here's the list.

1. Sienna Miller : Caring for hair with tomato sauce

To eliminate hair color due to the paint, or replace with other colors, Sienna Miller always do wash using tomato sauce.

Want to try ? Better be careful when using it on your hair, do not expose the scalp.

2. Miranda Kerr : Spoon to curl eyelashes

" You can curl eyelashes with a spoon, especially if you 're not carrying a tool eyelash curler, " says Miranda Kerr.

To curl eyelashes with a spoon, he said, could use the thumb and the edge of the spoon. The trick, put the spoon just above the lash line, and then press the lashes upward.

3. Lady Gaga : Sellotape to remove make - up eyes

Lady Gaga is not only a world -class singer in the style of the controversial stage. In treating any body, he also often make unique ways. For example, removing eye make- up with masking tape.

Stefanie syat However, the make - up artist based in New York, calling for you to be careful when using it. Do not let the eyelashes or eyebrows plucked participate. According to Stefanie, eye makeup with glitter texture is very suitable eliminated using tape.

4. Jennifer Love Hewitt : Toothpaste for deflate acne

You still have a problem with acne ? Jennifer Love Hewitt, famous celebrities, have a unique way to draw in acne, by applying toothpaste toothpaste aka just above the acne.

But according Lezandra Berchik, aesthetic experts from Bliss Spa Los Angeles, USA, is not effective ways to treat acne. " Calcium carbonate is contained in toothpaste can dry out pimples. But it will not eliminate the bacteria, and even can cause irritation, " she said.

5. Snooki : Sand cat litter for body scrubs

Well, what do Snooki even odder. Jersey reality TV star Shoreini using sand commonly used for cat litter, or cat litter, as a body scrub. But the strange way Lezandra Berchik kiha not recommended. According to him, the sand can injure the skin.

6. Teri Hatcher : Wine for a shower

Well, if this one is already well known among celebrities Hollywood.Teri Hatcher uses red wine bath. The red wine is beneficial for the skin.

How to Whiten Skin Naturally and Traditional Body

How to Whiten Skin Naturally and Traditional Body. Has a white body and clean is the desire of every person in which most of Indonesian people want to have white skin glow that makes the appearance will be maximized and confidence would be high to have a white body glow.

However, many problems faced by the people of Indonesia are less white skin because of sunburn because that can easily burn the skin so that the body will make the skin appear dull and dark so it will lower the confidence.

Here are some ways to whiten skin are quite effective and easy to do.

How to whiten skin is the first body to always maintain the health and hygiene of the body by way of a shower every day and twice a day so that the dirt on the body can be clean. Bathe using clean water and soap make sure you use a soap that is also suitable for your skin and use a scrub that you can use in the bath is very useful to remove dead cells and dirt on the body.

The next way is to use lime juice and tomatoes that have been pulverized and then campurkanlah two into a very potent mixture for use of skin whitening body.

Lime contains good for the body which is by applying lemon herb evenly on the body so it will really help you to whiten skin.
Once you apply lime juice and tomato then rinse using clean water so it will make your skin become more radiant.

Lemon and egg white is one way that can be used to whiten skin that is by mixing the two ingredients so that will be a mask. That is where you will get a white glow by using lemon and egg contents that contain very good for the body.

Some information on how to whiten skin above may be useful for those who want to get the white skin and a clean body naturally.

The Charm of Your Beautiful Hair

Nearly all women believe that appearance is important, not only for yourself but also for social interaction. In addition to the face, including the hair at the top to be kept by women beauty.
Concerns about the chemicals contained in hair dyes is often a barrier for women to use hair dye. But not just to cover gray hair, hair dye can be a key to look fashionable and stylist for active women who care about the appearance.

Bigen Prominous understand completely the concerns regarding the chemical content. With the idea of ​​beautifying hair naturally, Bigen Prominous contain herbal ingredients, such as eucalyptus oil, evening primrose oil, grape seed oil and marine collagen amino acid functional treat hair stays soft and shiny after the dyeing process takes place.

Bigen Prominous help treat hair that is not easily broken, dry, or branched. Unlike most of the hair dye, Bigen Prominous it raised a force of nature to help nourish the hair through the coloring process.
Bigen Prominious can close the old with the perfect color and facilitate practical application because combs hair dye evenly from base to tip of the hair and viscosity balanced so it does not drip onto the skin during the coloring process. With a choice of 7 colors, Natural Black, Natural Dark Brown, Natural Brown, Light Brown Mahogany Cooper, Dark Mahogany Blonde, Golden Blonde Cooper and Cooper Light Blonde Bigen Prominous provide practicality for active and dynamic women to get professional hair color without having to go to salon.

How to Perform the Best Facial Treatment Traditional

How to Perform the Best Traditional Facial Treatment. Taking care of the face is fairly easy bother, difficult because they have to adjust to the type of skin and easy means to a lot of traditional and natural materials that can be used. To treat the face, you do not need to bother going to a beauty clinic and use the cream you should buy at a fantastic price.

Not always the cream that is recommended for you according to your facial skin. One-one is not the healthy skin that you get, but it is an allergic skin.

Many ways you can do easily, to perform traditional facials. To whiten your skin could use a variety of fruits such as avocados, bananas, strawberries and tomatoes to whiten your skin.

Traditional face care.

In addition to the cheap easy way to make a variety of fruit such as a face mask by softening the blender. After 15 minutes you can rinse with clean water.

Traditional Face Care Natural

As for moisturizing dry skin, you can use any type of fruit like avocado to keep the skin moist. In addition, you can use essential oils such as chamomile, avocado oil and aloe vera.

Traditional facial treatment with aloe vera, you simply rub the slimy flesh into your face. As for the avocado oil and chamomile, you can apply 15 minutes before you shower.

Or if you want a practical way to hydrate the face, you can use vitamin E capsules clear. Plugs vitamin E capsules and mix with the rose water and apply on the face. The treatment is done before going to bed and rinse the next day so that vitamins can penetrate to the face.

The latter is a traditional facial treatments to get rid of stubborn acne. Whatever your acne, it is very easily removed with natural ingredients such as lemon.

You can use lime juice mask to overcome your acne complaints. Did not take long, less than 2 weeks, your acne will disappear immediately and naturally brighter skin.

How to Care Beauty Body Shape

Women are not only blessed with naturally beautiful body but also have to work hard to establish and maintain the body with diet and exercises in order to stay beautiful look.. How to care for a woman's body-Women with sexy body is God's amazing grace. Plus sexy body beautiful white face is a blend of perfection of God's creation that is intended for women-owned of man. Maka always vying for the body and trim sexy perfect look.
There is no woman in this world who do not worry if her first sexy slim then turned into fat and fat. Many women become less confidence consequently, moreover for young girls that will make the fat guy so inferior to the much less common friend of the opposite sex.

Here are a few tips that can form the Movement Gymnastics beautiful bodies and sexy:

This is an important part of the female body. because of the shoulder is symmetrical (not down) and the back upright (no slouching) will make you deserve to wear anything else. Is it strapless or bikini. Because shoulders are sagging and humpbacked, certainly less sexy. This section is muscle "trapezius" that control the movement of the shoulder and arm, as well as "dorsi latissimun" that strengthen the back can be formed with a workout in the gym, rowing, swimming. Shoulder and back muscles a good, automated forming beautiful chest and contained.

This section includes the key female sensuality. Containing solid buttocks so as to form a convex curve of the perfect body shape will provide beauty, because any clothing worn will be good. Moreover shorts or bikini. Examples of motion exercises to beautify ass/butt solid so that amongst other exercises can do "jump rope", "jump squats (squats)" will help build muscle "gluteus maximus" that control the movement of the foot and body tension.

have strong thighs and smooth, non-fat plays an important role in the formation of female attractiveness. "Stair climbing" and "step aerobics" and will run sets up the formation of muscles such as "biceps femoris" that control the motion of the legs and thighs form.

The arms are slim but it contains will give the initial impression of female attractiveness. And slenderness will be determined by the formation of vital muscles in there like "triceps". Formation of the arm can be done for example with the "push-up", "chin ups".

Women are beautiful, attractive and sexy will tend to choose high-heeled shoes. Because of the strong leg ballet dancer legs as strong as a key part of her sensuality. You try to do a toe-down exercises 3 sets each of 8 counts. Try to do every day in your spare time.

The beauty of a woman lies in a beautiful calves because calves will ensure proportionate body shape. Gymnastic exercises and perform the same movement with the formation of limbs can be done routinely.

Some tips on caring for a woman's body:
 Drink plenty of water every day.
Drinking water was 8 to 12 glasses of water every day to keep the body fresh and healthy. In addition, the water we drink will reduce the feeling of hunger and other functions to snack drink water to eliminate toxins through urination thus keeping the body always fit.

A healthy diet rich in nutrients.
If the diet should be is there a balance of foods containing carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats or 4 healthy 5 semurna. Do not be too often consume foods with high calories and fried-fried because it will cause pain and a lot of fat and not good for beauty.

Consumption of honey.
Drinking mead was mixed in water every morning. Because of this honey will make your skin smooth. In addition to honey, milk also able to equalize the benefits of honey for skin. Contained in milk moisturizer will keep the skin from drying out.

Caring for the beauty of a woman's body will be very useful. Because it will increase the confidence and youthful. Additionally remains dug again the capability and beauty from within that will come memaancarkan natural beauty of the body, in order to give more value to our personality.